Family Plans
On-Call Babysitting
Need a date night babysitter or caregiver for emergencies? We can help you!
- Submit a Family Application
- We can coordinate an interview ($35.00)
- Rates range $14.00 per hour and up
- Over-night rates $75 to $125 per 12 hours
- Hotel jobs may incur cost for public parking, etc.
Search for a Nanny
Would you like to find your own caregiver?
- Submit a Family Application to advertise your job
- No waiting for candidates to call you
- We will discuss your job with candidates
- Coordinate interviews ($35.00 each)
- Access background screenings (optional)
- Easily pay your nanny with GTM Payroll ($95.00 discount)
- Access our successful Employment Agreement ($15.00)
Place a Nanny
No time to search for a nanny? We can help you!
$350 deposit/placement
- Submit a Family Application and we will do the rest
- One-time $350. Deposit (non-refundable)
- Live-Out/ $2,995 Fee
- Live-in / $4,995 Fee
- Search, match and call candidates
- Provide their optional video interviews
- Access background screenings
- Employment Agreement and Consultation ($75.00 value)
- One-year Guarantee