Who’s Minding Your Children?

Have you ever wondered about the nannies caring for children?

Are they trained at a school or from experience as a mother or babysitter?

Are they licensed or certified?

Who’s minding your children?

We asked the same questions when we established Childcare Resources.

Some nannies are trained, but there is currently no regulation or licensing exist, so education, training, and experience vary greatly.

Professional nannies are usually certified in CPA and trained in First Aid, and some have a degree in early childhood education or training in child development. Even in the United Kingdom, formal training is common but is not required to become a nanny.

At Childcare Resources we care about the caregivers that are employed, and the training required to take care of your child.

Since 1995, we have voluntarily trained caregivers in workshops. We recently established the Nanny Training Institute, an online training program that conveniently trains nannies in basic and advance childcare that include child development; positive discipline; child abuse awareness; emergency care and safety; arts, crafts and storytelling and more. We also offer advance courses in nanny professionalism and household management.

For details visit nannytraininginstitute.com or www.childcareresources.com.

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